Cheer Tryout General Info
Tryout Information - Updated 2/1/2024
Please join our email list, to receive the most updated information -
Tryout Info:
- A mandatory meeting on 2/20 will be IN PERSON - Farley Middle School Gym 6:00 pm
- If you have scheduling conflicts, please email coaches PRIOR to the meeting.
- Online forms due on Friday 3/1 - will be available on Thursday 2/1
- In person clinic 3/4 - 3/5 @fms 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
- Tryout on 3/6 @ FMS, tryouts begin at 4:30 pm
- Tryout results posted on 3/7 by 4 pm
Information Needed for Tryouts: Will be posted on 2/1/2024
- Click here: Material
- Click here: Online Forms
- Click here: Cheer Handbook
Mandatory Parent Meeting on 2/20:
IN PERSON - Farley Middle School Gym 6:00 pm
Information for Tryouts:
- Mandatory tryout clinic 3/4 and 3/5 - FMS Gym
- Tryouts: 3/6
- Location: FMS Gym
- Time: 4:30 pm until completion
- Athletes may begin to enter the school at 4pm, they will be escorted to the cafeteria where they will wait for their tryout.
- Athletes will be dismissed directly after their tryout, parent pick up will be in the front of the school.
- Parents are not allowed in the building, but are welcome to wait for their athlete out front.
- Attire:
- black shorts or spandex
- plain white or black shirt or tank
- athletic or cheer shoes (we do NOT recommend purchasing new cheer shoes until you have officially made the squad.)
- Hair in a HIGH pony
- PLAIN white cheer bow (can be found at Walmart, hobby lobby, or amazon).
- Cheer make-up is optional.
- New Squad will be posted by 4pm on 3/7/24
Mandatory New Team Meeting: 3/26 FMS Gym
Mandatory New Team Uniform Fitting: 4/9 FMS Room 810